Too Much, Too Soon?
The Worcester Public School system has recently made some changes that are up for discussion by the student and the faculty body. Opinions are torn about them — the majority are in agreement concerning the new e-mail program and solar panels, supporting them wholeheartedly, but many disapprove or are indifferent towards other policies, such as the enforcement of no hoodies in school.
The new email system, used in tandem with Office 365 (various office applications provided free to all students), has been a hot topic for the past several months. In an interview with Ms. Curran, deeper insight into the origins of the software were provided:
"The tech department downtown and the school committee voted on using Microsoft as our platform," she explained. "They chose it because students and staff already know how to use Microsoft Products, such as Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. Microsoft tends to be the industry standard, so when our students enter the work force they will be confident in using Office 365."
In addition, construction of solar panels in the parking lot began, and people are hopeful to see how Burncoat will benefit from their presence.
"I'm excited for how they will affect Burncoat in the future," Mr. Barbieri stated. When questioned if the construction was bothering his classes, he responded, "Not at all."
Mr. Foley, after being asked about why the solar panels were being built, responded with, "It's the City of Worcester's project, not Burncoat's. They are being built to help defray the cost of electricity for Burncoat."

Although what's happening outside of Burncoat is beneficial, what's happening inside the walls of Burncoat High is seen by some as controversial. Many students have expressed negative opinions towards the 'no-hoods' policy at Burncoat. However, despite numerous complaints, this policy is simply not up for debate, but in effect at a few select schools in Worcester, Burnocaot being one. Until the safety concerns of the community is resolved, hoods will continue to be banned.

Overall, these changes have been for the better so far, but time will tell how they will fare in the future. Things are looking good for Burncoat High School in terms of an increased ease of accessibility with the new email, and the eco-friendly energy the solar panels will provide. The hoodies, well, that is to still be seen.