What to Know About Your Presidential Candidates

The presidential election is an integral part of our country, a long standing system where citizens' voices will be heard and their opinions will determine who is next in line to lead our country. Without it, our freedom would be challenged and unfit leaders could ruin the foundations of America by trespassing our rights and ideals. Seven candidates remain, all with varying ideas of what is best for our country. A close look into their most publicized views and policies is necessary for us to form an educated opinion on who is the most capable for the job.
Republican Candidates • Ben Carson: A retired neurosurgeon, Ben Carson's previous field of medical expertise has led to his strong opposition of Obamacare, a reform law designed to provide more available healthcare to the general public. Instead, he plans to replace it with Health Empowerment Accounts, which would "give people (…) control of their healthcare." Growing up in poverty in Detroit, Ben wants to "re-emphasize the importance of education and (…) stop the flow of illegal drugs into our neighborhoods." • Ted Cruz: A U.S senator from Texas, Ted Cruz wants to end the current Common Core system for education, which is believed by many to eliminate freedom in what is taught at schools and, overall, restrict the learning process. • John Kasich: Governor of Ohio, John Kasich is strongly for environmental protection, believing climate change is a real and serious problem. He wants to restrict the carbon output from power plants to help the ecosystem. Kasich also wants less prison time for small-time offenders and better prison management overall. • Marco Rubio: A U.S senator from Florida, Marco Rubio wants to balance the federal budget, as he believes the government ends up taking in more income from taxes than what it actually spends on projects. Like many other candidates, he is against Obamacare and opposes same-sex marriage. • Donald Trump: A successful businessman, Donald Trump strongly opposes immigration, planning to tighten security measures by deporting all undocumented immigrants living in the country and temporarily banning Muslims from entering the U.S. He wants to build a wall on the Mexican border to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the U.S. Democrat Candidates • Bernie Sanders: A U.S senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders wants to break apart big banks and limit group spendings in corporations, planning to provide free tuition for public colleges and universities. Bernie Sanders wants to replace Obamacare with "universal, government-provided healthcare." • Hillary Clinton: A former Secretary of State and U.S senator, Hillary Clinton wants to expand Obamacare and continue with its system. She also hopes to create a $275 billion dollar plan to improve roads and infrastructure. Clinton wants to normalize the economy for all classes by "cut[ting] taxes for the middle class, and ensur[ing] the wealthiest pay their fair share."
Works Cited: Jason Russell. "Your Guide to the 2016 Presidential Candidates." Washington Examiner. 25 Feb. 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. N/A. "Who's Winning 2016?" The Washington Post. 12 Feb. 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. Aryn Bloodworth. "What Is the Common Core?" Insideschools. 16 Nov. 2011. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. Amy Sherman. "Donald Trump Says of Course Mexico Can Pay for Wall-- Because of the Trade Deficit." Politifact. 26 Jan. 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. Wilson Andrews, Alicia Parlapiano, and Karen Yourish. "Who Is Running for President?" The New York Times. 20 Feb. 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. N/A. "Presidential Candidates, 2016." Ballotpedia. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. N/A. "What the Candidates Believe." Pbs. 7 Apr. 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. Bruce Abramson. "Trump, Isreal and the Evangelical Vote." CNBC. 22 Feb. 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.